Alicia Hilsher

Welcome! My first published work, "Written in the Stars: An Adoption Story", is now available! 


Hi, I'm alicia! 

I wrote this book during my season of waiting. I was waiting to be a mom, hoping to adopt and trying to stay positive during an uncertain time. At times when the wait became too much, I started writing down any number of things that I wanted to remember….or release…or tell my child one day. This book is a labor of love and a little piece of my heart, written for a child I didn’t know at the time who now brings so much joy and love into our lives.

When I first wrote this story I never imagined that I would share it publicly. Then as our wait pushed past the 3-year mark, I decided to share this story with other adoptive families. If you are looking for a way to begin the conversation with your little ones about adoption, I hope this book can be a resource for you.

I've been on a journey to ignite my creative side for the last ten years. I started out as a photographer, running a wedding photography business with my husband. From there, I branched out to other forms of photography. Then when the wait for adoption started to weigh on my heart, I channeled my emotions into the idea for this book. And as it turns out, I really enjoyed this process!

Some other things about me: I live in Maryland, but will always be a Jersey girl at heart! I enjoy traveling, exploring national parks, sitting on the beach with a good book and watching Hallmark movies. And I am loving every single moment of being a new mom through adoption!

Author. photographer. adoptive mom.

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"I'm never felt more


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I'll be in touch soon!